Learn to think beyond the classroom.  This fun, interactive one-hour seminar is designed to help you build compassionate interpersonal connections with fellow students, clients, colleagues and others.  Being a top-notch lawyer is about more than academics, it’s also about emotional intelligence.  These days, clients are seeking a different kind of lawyer.  Join us in this discussion about why you chose to attend law school, what it means to become a “new paradigm” lawyer and how you can be part of the movement now transforming the legal profession. 

The seminar takes place at 12:40 on Thursday, January 29, and is presented by collaborative attorneys/mediators Kimberly Stamatelos and Amy Skogerson.  SPACE IS LIMITED TO THE FIRST 12 STUDENTS. Students interested in participating should contact Nilza Molina at nilza-molina@uiowa.edu.  Lunch will be provided prior to the program. 


Attendance at one Lawyers & Leaders program each semester is one requirement for membership in the Pro Bono Society.