Interested in Receiving a 2016 Equal Justice Works Public Interest Award? See the following criteria to determine if you qualify:
Apply by March 1, 2016. All applicants will be required to submit:
- One-page application with the applicant’s name, law school, and contact information (see Addendum)
- Personal Statement describing the applicant’s outstanding public interest legal work in service to disadvantaged or marginalized groups and significant contributions to closing the justice gap (2 page limit)
- Two References who are familiar with the applicant’s work – preferably law school faculty members, supervising attorneys, or anyone who can accurately and knowledgeably describe the applicant’s commitment to public service (see Addendum)
Please submit all application materials to
Eligibility Criteria: To be considered for the 2016 Equal Justice Works Public Interest Awards, applicants must:
- Be a current law student at an Equal Justice Works member school
- Have a demonstrated commitment to public interest law and pro bono work
The following activities are illustrative of the qualifications that could comprise a successful application:
- Extraordinary service as an intern, extern, or pro bono volunteer with a legal service provider
- Development of a pro bono or public interest project
- Founding, creating, or leading a student-run organization dedicated to pro bono or public interest law
- Expanding an existing pro bono or public interest program
Recipients will be honored during an Award Ceremony with a commemorative plaque and a monetary award of $250.
Selection Criteria: Award recipients will be recognized for their exceptional contributions and achievements in one or more of the following areas:
- Commitment: An extraordinary commitment to service to public service as: an intern, extern, or pro bono volunteer with a legal service provider; the developer of a pro bono or public interest project; a founder or leader of a student-run organization; a leader of an existing pro bono or public interest program (30 points)
- Impact: The quality of work performed as a public interest law student and the significance of their work on the community, fellow students, and law school (30 points)
- Creativity/ Originality: New, expanded, or unique improvements on the traditional delivery of public interest or pro bono legal services (15 points)
- Permanence/Replicability: Likelihood that the student’s project will be continued beyond their tenure in law school and/or could be implemented by other law students or legal service providers (15 points)
- Longevity: Long-term interest in becoming a nonprofit, government, or public interest attorney or continuing to participate in pro bono activities throughout a legal career (10 points)