Want a great opportunity to help out in the Iowa City community and get some volunteer hours? Consider joining the College of Law volunteers at the Johnson County Crisis Center Food Bank on
Fridays from 2-5 pm! We stock shelves, bag groceries, and repackage bulk items for the Crisis Center’s clients. The Food Bank helps hundreds of families every day and provides additional items that are not eligible for purchase through food stamps, WIC or other programs. We would love to get more 2Ls and 1Ls involved this year to keep the program going!The sign up sheet can be found at the following link:
If anyone is interested in being a shift leader or finding out more about the position, please contact Melissa Sharp as soon as possible. We need a minimum of one shift leader every Friday in order for us to volunteer!!!
If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact Melissa Sharp at Melissa-sharp@uiowa.edu.