As indicated in the memo sent to all law students last week, all BSA/PBS service hours dates after March 1, 2015, will be reported using a paper form due to issues with the BSA web portal. Students will report all hours after March 1 at one time, and these will then be reviewed and added by PBS Executive Board members. 3Ls who will graduate in May must submit their paper form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 17, 2015, so hours may be considered for graduation recognition. All other students must submit their paper form by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 8, 2015. There is no April 7 deadline for reporting of March hours. Forms should be submitted to Rene in the Dean’s Suite; students studying away from Iowa City this semester can submit their completed forms by e-mail to Brian Farrell. All hours after March 1 should be included on the form, even if they’ve already been reported online. You may use more than one form if necessary; please submit all forms together by your deadline. Service Hours Reporting Form.docx