Thinking of becoming a rural attorney? Unsure where you can get additional funding?
Law students who are hired by rural practitioners for summer clerkships can apply for financial aid through 2 programs offered by both the Iowa State Bar Association (ISBA) (specifically, the ISBA’s Rural Practice Committee) and Iowa Legal Aid.
The ISBA Rural Practice Committee and Iowa Legal Aid can help students who spend 50 hours of pro bono work with Legal Aid with stipends from $1,000 to $1,500 to help fund their experience with rural attorneys.
Furthermore, the ISBA program will provide students with a grant of up to $500 for costs due to commuting, lodging, food, etc. while clerking in a rural area.
Applications for this program is a on a first-come, first-served basis and is limited to 15 students. You can find the form to apply at: (1) Click on “Application for Rural Practice Committee/Iowa Legal Aid Stipend Program,” (2) fill it out, and (3) send it to Alex Kornya at The Application deadline is June 1, 2015.
If you have any further questions, please contact Phil Garland at or Amy Skogerson at