The Lawyers & Leaders series offers programs to complement the traditional legal curriculum with workshops, lectures, and other programs that focus on pro bono traditions, leadership development, practical lawyer and life skills, and community issues. Attendance at one program each semester is one requirement of the Pro Bono Society.


Tuesday, October 8, 4:30 (235 BLB)

Exoneree Terry Harrington. Terry Harrington will share the story of his 1978 wrongful conviction for murder in Council Bluffs, Iowa, and his experience rebuilding his life after his release 25 years later.


Friday, October 18, 12:40 (4th Floor Student Lounge)

Lunch + Learn: Alumni Perspectives. Iowa Law alumni will share their personal experiences in a variety of legal fields and provide guidance to current students in an interactive luncheon style setting.


Thursday, October 24, 12:40 (225 BLB)

Pro Bono Celebration. A special guest will deliver remarks on the role of lawyers in society and the importance of service. We will also recognize Pro Bono Society members and announcement of highest rate of participation in the First Year Service Challenge. Reception to follow.


Wednesday, November 20, 12:40 (225 BLB)

Civility Matters. Iowa Board of Trial Advocates members will facilitate this educational and entertaining program aimed at increasing civility and courtesy in the legal profession.



Attendance at one Lawyers & Leaders program each semester is one requirement for membership in the Pro Bono Society. For more information, contact the Citizen Lawyer Program in 182 BLB or e-mail law-clp@uiowa.eduUpdated September 24, 2019.