Opportunities with Big Brothers Big Sisters
For over a decade Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County has been working closely with Iowa Law to create mentoring relationships between Law students and youth in the community.
Noah Schmall (2L) is currently mentoring an 8th grader at a local junior high school. He says: “Being a Big Brother mentor has been a nice addition to my time in Law School. It has been rewarding to see Jestin and I become friends. And it has been fun hanging out with a high energy, entertaining middle schooler. His 8th grade year is off to a good start. I recommend this experience to other students.”
Please consider joining Noah and other Iowa Law students in mentoring a student in this community. We especially need volunteers in our school based programs. For more information, please see this form ( volunteering_with_big_bros_big_sis.pdf), call Chanel at 319-337-2145, or visit the BBBS website at: www.bbbsjc.org