Middle School Mock Trial Judges needed!
If you are looking for community volunteer opportunities, sign up to judge for the Iowa Middle School Mock Trial Tournament!
The Iowa Middle School Mock Trial Tournament has begun and the program is looking for judges, attorneys, and law students to serve as volunteer judges. This year, the tournament will be conducted virtually over Zoom and all ballots will be completed electronically. Preliminary rounds are being held from November 9-21, and th
e state tournament is scheduled for December 1-4.Interested students can sign up by emailing John Wheeler at jwheeler@iowabar.org or going to https://www.iowabar.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1418675&group=. All of the round date and time information can be found at the link. For more information, contact ISBA Center for Law & Civic Education Director John Wheeler at 515-697-7882 or jwheeler@iowabar.org.Time spent volunteering may be reported as Boyd Service Hours under the “community hours” category.