Articles for October 2022

Interested in serving as a Precinct Election Official (poll worker) for Johnson County, Iowa, to assist with elections? Precinct Election Officials staff polling places during the election and provide other forms of important election support.
The Iowa Student Bar Association and Citizen Lawyer Program invite you to to celebrate the pro bono legal work and service contributions of Iowa Law students, faculty, staff, and alumni in conjunction with the Cady Day of Public Service
The Prison Writing Project is looking for law student volunteers to join its reading group.
Linn Co Courthouse
Law students are encouraged to volunteer as judges for the regional middle school mock trial competition at the Linn County Courthouse in Cedar Rapids on Saturday, November 5th. Over 250 6th, 7th and 8th grade students will engage as plaintiff and defense teams in a case developed by the Iowa State Bar Association.
Lawyers & Leaders (L&L) programs complement the traditional legal curriculum and are open to all Iowa Law students. Attendance at one L&L event each semester is one requirement for membership in the Pro Bono Society for that semester.  Additional opportunities may be added later this semester.


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